Vietnam Business Visa Service

Heading to Vietnam for work? Count on Swift’s Vietnam business visa service to get your travel documents in order so you can focus on your upcoming trip.

Vietnam Business Visas

Nestled between China, Laos, Cambodia and the South China Sea, Vietnam is home to thriving cities, bountiful beaches, stunning pagodas and more than 93 million residents. Doing business in this Southeast Asian land could involve any number of industries, provided you submit the proper paperwork to secure your Vietnam business visa before you go.

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How It Works

People heading to Vietnam for work will need to obtain a specific type of visa; a Vietnam business visa.  Applying for this type of visa involves an array of requirements, documents, and processes that can quickly become complicated for most busy professionals.  If you’re in need of this type of visa, trust in Swift’s years of experience and efficiency to get your travel documents in order quickly.

Start Your Order

Once you start your order, you'll be asked a few, simple questions to direct you to the right visa product your upcoming business travel. You'll then enter the information required to process business visa.

Submit Your Order

After you've provided the requested information and have remitted payment, you will be provided with a checklist of requirements and documents needed for your Vietnam business visa. Swift will supply the list and guide you step-by-step.

Ship Required Documents

Regular visas will require that you ship documents to us. We ask that you ship these documents through FedEx or UPS (not USPS). If you're applying for an E-Visa, no shipping will be required as everything is completed online.

Get Your Visa

Once your paperwork is submitted, you get to sit back and relax while we double check your paperwork to ensure everything is correct and procure your business visa. We'll always communicate the status of your travel documents, so you don't have to worry!

Vietnam Business Visa Requirements & Documents

Vietnam business visas can often be processed in as few as two business days, although you first have to decide on the exact type of business visa you need. Choices include:

  • Multiple entry, valid one month
  • Multiple entry, valid three months
  • Single entry, valid one month
  • Single entry, valid three months

Those intending to visit more than once within a short period for business would want to consider the multiple entry visa, with an expiration date of either one or three months.

You’ll need a valid passport with at least two blank facing visa pages.  The last two pages in your passport are amendment pages and don’t count as visa pages. Make sure your passport is valid for six months beyond your longest intended stay.

All visa applications must be filled out online. Don’t forget to sign and date it where indicated.

Passport photos must be 2-inches square, taken within the last six months, and feature you facing forward in front of a white background. FedEx, CVS, Walgreens and other locations have passport photo services you can use.

Submit a letter from a U.S.-based company outlining details of your trip and planned business activities. Include information such as the type and validity of the visa you’re requesting as well as the number of entries. This sample letter gives you a good idea of what information to include.

A letter authorizing a third party to submit information on your behalf is required if you’re using Swift or another agency. Swift’s letter of authorization is available online.

Why Choose Swift?

Swift has been the go-to choice for busy travelers for numerous years.  We understand the details and nuances that go into every visa application and take our time to ensure every requirement is met.  We want to make the entire Vietnam business visa application process easy for our customers.  We do this by walking them through each requirement, guiding them through their paperwork, and ultimately procuring their visas in minimal time (with minimal hassles).  We’ll get you there!


Ready to Start Your Vietnam Business Visa Application?

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Business In Vietnam

While Vietnam’s economy has historically been driven by agriculture, especially its wet rice cultivation, other viable industries have been emerging. Bauxite mining has made a mark, as has manufacturing and exporting of low-end textiles, garment, furniture and electronics.

In fact, the country’s manufacturing output has been beating out China, with Vietnam’s benchmark purchasing managers’ index hitting a reading above 50 every single month since Aug. 2013.

Economic development plans for the country’s three key economic zones (KEZs) were launched in 2004, with strategies and a vision of what to expect as each zone capitalized on its strengths through 2020.

  • Northern KEZ: Leveraging of agricultural manpower, establishment of industrial parks and high-tech zones to improve infrastructure which, in turn, can attract foreign investment
  • Central KEZ: Focus on marine economy, oil and gas, shipbuilding, coastal tourism, logistics, high-tech industries
  • Southern KEZ: Development of exports, commerce, telecommunications, finance, banking, services, tourism, technology, oil and gas exploration, electricity generation, industrial crops; serving as the leader in modernization and industrialization of the entire country

If wet rice cultivation isn’t your thing, there are plenty of other opportunities to do business in Vietnam. Options range from high-tech to commerce to manufacturing of all types of clothing, furniture and other exports.

While In Vietnam

Doing business in Vietnam often involves giving a gift during a meal or at the culmination of a business meeting. Pick something small and not too expensive. Initial meetings should be designated as the “getting to know you” meetings, the first step in building essential relationships that will then allow you to effectively do business.

Conservative dress is the safest way to go, as is setting appointments several weeks in advance. Choosing a local rep to act as a reference and translator is a wise idea. Always be on time. Handshakes are generally only shared between members of the same gender, with a two-handed shake common.

Exchanging business cards is somewhat of a ritual. The ceremony should be done using both hands to offer and receive cards, making sure the writing is facing your recipient.

Patience is another must for Vietnamese business, particularly with negotiations. Mounds of red tape can often slow things down. Choose your words carefully, never make promises you cannot keep, and know that silence is common when a person disagrees with what’s being said and wants to save face.

Hierarchy is strictly followed in business dealings as well as throughout society as a whole. The most senior business executive enters the room first, and you must wait for the most senior member to sit first when dining. Age and status are important hierarchical markers in Vietnamese society, structures derived from Confucianism.

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Be Sure To...

You can’t go wrong in Vietnam if you take the time to visit the country’s largest city and indulge in one of the most popular foods around.

Ho Chi Minh City counts as the former, a bustling urban area that sets the country’s cultural and economic vibe.

City highlights include the Jade Emperor Pagoda, massive boulevards, French colonial architecture and the bustling Ben Thanh Market. You can also take tours of the Mekong Delta for an up-close and personal view of those wet rice paddies.

And no trip to Vietnam would be complete without some authentic pho. This Vietnamese noodle soup contains flat, skinny noodles, herbs, broth and usually chicken or some other type of meat.

Pho originated in northern Vietnam and spread to the rest of the world following the Vietnam War. A super-popular street food and restaurant specialty, southern Vietnamese typically eat pho for breakfast or lunch while their northern counterparts eat it all day long.

Before you can even get to the pho, of course, you need to tend to a few other requirements. These include your airline tickets, out-of-town accommodations, a small gift for your business meeting, and a Vietnam business visa to ensure you can enter the country with ease. 

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