A digital vaccine passport program could soon be implemented throughout numerous states across the country, with the first state in talks to utilize the program being Massachusetts. Massachusetts has been working with a group of other states to create a digital vaccine passport program to help try and control the spread of the coronavirus. Those who are residents of Massachusetts could soon need to show proof of vaccination using a QR code on their phone to enter certain social events and venues. So, what does this program all entail, and what states could be participating in the near future? Here’s what you should know:
What’s the Goal of a Digital Vaccine Passport Program?
The goal of a digital vaccine passport program is to prove that someone has been vaccinated against the coronavirus. An easy way to provide proof of vaccination without carrying your passport card around is a digital vaccine passport. The hope is that if people can easily prove that they’ve been vaccinated against the coronavirus when attending social events and venues, the less likely the coronavirus will be to spread. A digital vaccine passport can hopefully help to achieve this goal.
Where Would People Have to Use a Digital Vaccine Passport?
Having to provide proof of vaccination is already required when entering some countries, but it could soon be required that people show proof of vaccination to attend certain social events and venues around the United States.
Some places that people may be required to use a digital vaccine passport include movie theaters, restaurants, concerts, sporting events, and eventually, digital vaccine passports may be needed to use public transportation.
Will I Still be Able to Enter Social Events/Venues if I’m Not Vaccinated?
If digital vaccine passports do become implemented in Massachusetts and other states across the country, you may be wondering what will happen to those who are not vaccinated. Will they be turned away from social events and venues? We don’t fully know the answer to this question quite yet. As of December 10, 2021, some venues require that those who aren’t fully vaccinated show proof of a negative coronavirus test before entering. This could be the case going forward for those not able to use a digital vaccine passport.
Which States Could be Participating in the Program?
We know that Massachusetts could be one of the first states to utilize the digital vaccine passport program, and the government of Massachusetts, Charlie Baker, recently stated in an interview that numerous other states could be on board as well, “It’s a universal standard and we’ve been working with a bunch of other states – there’s probably 15 or 20 of them – to try to create a single QR code that can be used for all sorts of things where people may choose to require a vaccine.”
Even though Baker stated that many other states are working with Massachusetts to create this program, exactly which states are involved is currently unknown. Once the program launches in Massachusetts, we expect to hear about more states expressing their involvement in the program.
Why Aren’t All 50 States Participating?
Though some states are interested in implementing a digital vaccine passport program, other states are not on board with the idea. Some states have even banned vaccine passports altogether and don’t plan to change that anytime soon. As of December 10, 2021, the states that have banned vaccine passports include:
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Florida
- Georgia
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Montana
- North Dakota
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Utah
- Wyoming
What’s the Current Status of COVID in the United States?
In recent months, covid cases have been rising in the United States once again. As of December 10, 2021, the U.S. has had a total of 49.6 million cases of covid since the start of the pandemic and 793 thousand deaths. When it comes to vaccination rates in the U.S., as of December 10, 2021, 199 million people are fully vaccinated, which is 60.5% of the total population.
You can stay up to date with the current coronavirus numbers on this website.
We will keep you updated on the new digital vaccine passport program as further information about the situation arises. If you do plan on traveling during the coronavirus pandemic, make sure that you’re taking the proper precautions to keep you and those around you safe. Wash your hands often, sanitize your frequently used items, keep your distance from others, and respect those around you. No matter where you’re looking to travel, stay safe, stay healthy, and enjoy your trip!