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  • Strong Passport? Weak Passport? What Does it Mean?

    Each year, Global Citizens Solutions releases the Henley Passport Index. The Henley Passport Index highlights some of the most powerful passports in the world as well as the weakest passports in the world. When this list is released every year, our team reviews and shares the results. But one thing that we haven’t done yet is talk about exactly what it means to have a powerful passport versus a weak passport.

    So, to make this more clear for our readers, we wanted to go into more detail about what makes a strong passport, and how having a strong or weak passport could affect your travel plans. Ready to learn more? Here’s everything you need to know about what it means to have a strong passport versus a weak passport.

    What is the Henley Passport Index?

    Every year, Global Citizens Solutions releases the Henley Passport Index. The Henley Passport Index has been around since 2006 and ranks how powerful each country’s passport is. This ranking is based on how many countries the passport holder can visit without also having to obtain a visa. The more places that someone can visit using only their passport, the more powerful that passport is.

    What is a Global Mobility Score?

    A country’s global mobility score is what determines how powerful a passport is. But what is a global mobility score, you may ask? A global mobility score is what the Henley Passport Index uses to determine how strong a passport is considered to be. It looks at how many destinations the passport holder can visit without obtaining a visa first. The more places the passport holder can visit without a visa, the stronger the passport is. 

    What Makes a Strong Passport?

    A strong passport is determined by the number of countries the passport holder can visit without having to obtain a visa. For example, when looking at which country has the most powerful passport in the world for 2023, Singapore has the most powerful passport, because it has a global mobility score of 193. This means that anyone who holds a Singapore passport can travel to 193 different countries without a visa.

    What Makes a Weak Passport?

    Although many passports around the world are considered to be strong, there are also passports that are considered to be weak. But, what makes a passport weak exactly? A passport may be considered weak if it has a low global mobility score. For example, some passports that are weak in 2023 include Afghanistan (global mobility score of 27), Syria (global mobility score of 28), and Iraq (global mobility score of 30). This means that people who hold these passports can only visit a limited number of countries without a visa. 

    How Can I Get a Passport For My Trip?

    Obtaining a passport for your trip may seem like a daunting task. But when you decide to get your passport with Swift Passport and Visa Services, our team makes the process easy and stress-free. All you have to do is visit our website to begin your application, and once we have processed your passport, we will send it directly to you. If you find that you have questions along the way, please contact our knowledgeable team. No matter where you’re going, we’ll get you there. 

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