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  • Business Travel to India

    Tips for Business Travel to India

    If you’re traveling to India for the first time on business, you probably have a lot of questions about how to get around, what to bring with you, and what preparations you’ll need to make before your trip. Here are ten of our top tips for business travel to India.

    Before You Go…

    1. Secure any India business visas that you need at least a month before your trip, and ideally sooner. You can get a business visa that is good for multiple entries and lasts either five years or ten years, so planning ahead won’t cause you any problems. If you get down to the wire, remember that we can help you secure your India travel visa as quickly as possible.
    2. Visit your doctor and get any necessary vaccines. Depending upon where in India you travel, you may also want to get anti-malarial drugs. Wherever you go, bring mosquito repellent.
    3. Book flights so that you arrive at least one day before any meetings, ideally two days. If you’re traveling to India from America, the time difference will be at least twelve hours. You’ll want some time to get adjusted once you arrive.
    4. Book a car from the airport to your hotel. You’ll be glad after hours upon hours of flying to have a car waiting for you that you know you can trust to get you to your hotel without any hassle. You can also rent a car or a motorcycle, but driving in India might be an overwhelming experience.
    5. Learn the names of the people you’ll be meeting with. Make sure you have the pronunciation correct, and if you’re not very good with names, practice saying them out loud several times so that you can make a good first impression.

    When You Arrive…

    1. Don’t drink water out of a tap. Even if you’re staying in a nice hotel, it’s recommended that you always drink bottled water in India.
    2. Take time to see the sights. India is one of the most beautiful, culturally rich countries in the world. It would be a shame to travel that far and only go from conference room to conference room. Take the time to book a tour or enjoy the local attractions wherever you are staying.
    3. Keep your passport and wallet on you in a money belt.
    4. Avoid spicy foods or foods that you think may not agree with your stomach before any big meetings. You can always be adventurous once your business dealings are done.
    5. Stay hydrated. The best way to fight jet lag is with good sleep and water. Start by drinking lots of water on the flight over and keep up the habit with big bottles every day you’re there. Buy a pack of water at a local market to save some money.

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